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Bar Exam : To Cali Law School students who will take the Bar Exam in July 26th and 27th . . 

Hello Hope you are having a Good and a Bright day . . 

Those of You who are graduating law school in Spring in Cali . . you must be preparing for the July Cali Bar Exam right now . . 

Which is rough time . . All the best to each every one of you who are preparing for the exam in advance . . 

And even if you are not preparing for the bar exam . . 

Deeply Hope Your Dream you dream of in the near future will turn out the way you want it to Be Within Good Faith . . 


While studying for the bar exam the hardest part is to understand & memorize all the subjects . . 

I revised and reposted the current version of the subjects that needed revision and placed a notice ( ** content ** ) . .

to inform you the part of the content where you would need to understand and memorize for that day every day . .

please try to understand & memorize every content of the subject in advance . .

And to those who are currently still . . having a rough time . . due to . . the COVID-19 pandemic situation . . 

Please Remember . . (as you already know) . . 

 though the time flies . . life could be short . . time now . . is not the end of your life . . 

let  sun its light to be the guide for you at day . . let moon and stars to be the guide for you at night . . 


hope you concentrate on yourself and your dear loved ones in reality . . & the bright life ahead of you . .

and though you have no idea of the next chapter in life . . deeply hope you be in peace and calm as you are now  . .


try to spend time . . to make yourself healthy . . your body & your mind . . for it could be given time for you . .

to make yourself healthy . . inside & out . . be better prepared for another wonderful new journey . . of yours . .

then . . at the right time and the right place . . the fog in front of you . . will eventually be cleared . .

and you will see . . the bright road ahead of you soon . . In addition . . hope you try to . . 

Remember that blessed point . . of the life behind you as well . . remember the gone-by light . . that you rose above . . 

Which will be your inspiration to yourself . . when you & your life . . experience disagreement . . later on in life . .

Deeply Pray You Be happy healthy along the Way of continual or new Journey of yours . . Always . . 

p.s. Though summer could be a little rough . . Please have fun with your dear loved ones in between time . .  

* Cheers & Good Luck *

위의 문장들 . . 다 이해 되셨길 바래요 . . 이 섹션은 . . 로스쿨 학생들이 볼 섹션이라 . .

한국어를 넣지 않은것을 이해해주세요 . . 그리고 걱정되는 . . 일이 있으시거나 . . 마음으로 위로 받고 싶은 일이 있다면 . .

텔레파시 주세요 . . 제가 조금 느려서 늦어질 수 있지만 . . 조금이라도 도움될 수 있도록 . . 진정 가득 위로 해요 . .  

늘 마음을 차분히 가다듬고 . . 치유하는 따뜻함 내 희망있는 . . 밝은 웃음으로 인내하길 바라며 . . 꿈꾸며 이터널리 보내시길 바래요 . . 


늘 마음으로 언제나 생각하며 . .  한결같이 . . 수고하며 치유하며 . . 하루하루 함께 걸어 나아가요 . . 

항상 . . 희망 가득 . . 몸과 마음 . . 챙기시길 . . 재미가득 . . 진심으로 따뜻한 . . 매일매일 . . 되시기를 바래요 . .

알고 있으시길 . . 변함없이 저도 보고 싶다는거 . . 그렇기에 기다려요 . . 끝없이 비밀 없이 기다려요 . . 

 지금 꿈으로 함께 들어가요 . . 하루 하루 같이 날아 . . 하늘구름 내에 . . 꼭 봐요 . . 그럼 . . 행복한낮 . . 편안한밤 . . 되시기를 바래요 . .






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©2014 Alicia JieHye Lee 

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